Monday, November 1, 2010

What if someone turn you on and then left ?

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Waiting in the french side of geneva airport is something you just can't enjoy.
Fortunately I'm boarding soon and there is one hour of free wifi.

I wish I was next Friday

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Masterchef parodie

Palmashow - MasterChef
envoyé par Palmashow. - Cliquez pour voir plus de vidéos marrantes.

Modern Art with Google Maps

Jenny Odell made a small collection called The Satellite Collection which is a series of six digital prints that she made by collaging cut-out imagery from Google Satellite. For example here with swimming pools.
More photos after the break

Original Darth Vader costume for sale !!!

If you are a Star Wars fan as well as really rich, you will be happy to know that the original Darth Vader costume, used in The Empire Strikes Back, will be auctioned the 25th of November. The estimated price? a piddly little thing between £160 000 and £230 000. 
Britain Christie's Darth Vader