Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The White iPhone4 Delayed again....

Apple is delaying the white iPhone 4 again probably for the same reasons as before i.e. fabrication problems.

A company spokesperson said: “We’re sorry to disappoint customers waiting for the white iPhone yet again, but we’ve decided to delay its release until this spring.”
No word on why the company has again delayed the device’s release. Presumably it’s got something to do with the manufacturing challenges that Apple had alluded to in the past.

Edit: According to others sources it appears that the only next white iPhone will be the iPhone 5 and they would announce this around March 2011

1 comment:

  1. if theyre tryin to just make a white version of whats already out theyre takin forever !!
    but if they fix the signal crap problem, hellooo new gorgeous phone !!
